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BEaBiRD - Bergen group of Epidemiology and Biomarkers i Rheumatic Disease

BEaBiRD, Bergen group of Epidemiology and Biomarkers in Rheumatic disease, is a research group localised at the Department of Rheumatology, Haukeland University Hospital. The group is closely associated with the Department of Clinical Science, University of Bergen.

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BEaBiRD, Bergen group of Epidemiology and Biomarkers in Rheumatic disease is a research group localised at the Department of Rheumatology, Haukeland University Hospital. The group is closely associated with the Department of Clinical Science, University of Bergen.

During the last 20 years, major changes in the treatment of rheumatic diseases have led to reduced morbidity and a better prognosis for patients with diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis (RA) and osteoporosis. Furthermore, improvements in imaging methods have significantly changed diagnostics leading to the discovery of new disease subgroups (e.g. large vessel vasculitis in GCA) and even entirely new diseases.

Field of research

Clinical research and epidemiology are major areas of research for our group.

We study epidemiology and long-term outcome  such as  fertility, cardiovascular disease, cancer and death, in patients with rheumatic disease. Rather common conditions such as rheumatoid arthritis and osteoporosis are being studied as well as some less frequent diseases such as Sjögren’s syndrome, giant cell arteritis and IgG4-related disease. Furthermore, projects on quality of life as well as the importance of diet in particular patient groups, are being conducted.

Also, we have an ongoing project in Zanzibar, Tanzania, in which a local doctor and researcher conducts a population study on chronic inflammatory joint disease.

Data sources

Large data sources, such as the Norwegian Arthritis Registry and the Bergen Sjögren cohort, form the pillars of our research along with the know-how represented by our team of experienced as well as young researchers. Furthermore, we benefit from a longstanding cooperation with the Broegelmann Research Laboratory situated at the University of Bergen. Lately, local and national cohorts for selected systemic rheumatic diseases are also being established, on conditions such as IgG4-related disease and giant cell arteritis.

Our ultimate goal is to improve care and outcome for patients with chronic inflammatory joint diseases, giant cell arteritis,osteoporosis, IgG4-related disease and Sjögren’s syndrome.

We are grateful for the support from the GC Rieber Funds, in terms of grants from Johanne Marie Rieber Martens Allmennyttige Fond.

Department of Rheumatology

Haukeland University Hospital

5021 Bergen


Bjørg-Tilde Fevang

E-mail: bjorg.tilde.svanes.fevang@helse-bergen.no 

Telephone +47 55 97 54 23

BEaBiRD members


Bjørg-Tilde S. Fevang, professor, MD, PhD

Anne-Kristine H. Halse, associate professor, MD, PhD

Clara G. Gjesdal, associate professor, MD, PhD

Ellen M Apalset, MD, PhD

Lene Brekke, MD, PhD

Sten Daniel Hammenfors, MD, PhD

Solveig Hauge, MD, PhD

PhD candidates

Elisabeth Mæland

Christian Lillebø Alsing

Hans Kristian Skaug

Jens Vikse

Gudrun David Sigmo

Marie N. Olsen

Sanaa S. Said

Other research fellows and researchers:

Anja Røym, MD

Lucius Bader, MD, PhD

Tor Magne Madland, MD, PhD

Karstein Haldorsen MD, PhD

Hilde Nordal, MD, PhD

Merete Valen, MD

Eli Brodin, MD

Collaborating researchers:

Marianne Wallenius, MD, PhD, St. Olavs hospital

Gunnstein Bakland, MD, PhD, Revmatologisk avd., Universitetssykehuset Nord-Norge

Helga Midtbø, MD, PhD, Hjarteavdelinga, Haukeland universitetssjukehus

Kjell Arne Johansson, professor, Institutt for global helse og samfunnsmedisin, UiB og Bergen senter for etikk og prioritering (BCEPS)

Stein Atle Lie, professor, Institutt for klinisk odontologi, UiB

Anne Isine Bolstad, professor, Institutt for klinisk odontologi, UiB

Andreas Diamantopoulos, MD, PhD

Glenn Haugeberg, professor og avdelingsleder, Revmatologisk avd., Sørlandet sjukehus

Randi Julie Tangvik, Førsteamanuensis, Klinisk institutt 1, UiB

Katrine Norheim Brække, MD, PhD, SUS

Anna Maria Hoffmann-Vold, MD, postdoc, UiO

Øyvind Molberg, MD, prof, UiO

Jörg Assmus, MSc, UiB

Jannicke Igland, MSc, prof, UiB

Karen Minde Fagerli, MD, PhD, Diakonhjemmet sjukehus

Even Lillejordet, MD, PhD, Diakonhjemmet sjukehus

Laboratory technicians and research nurses:

Tove Hatletveit

Åshild Aakre

Mariela Pina Ayala

Jeanett Hetland

Major focus areas and projects

Focus areas and projects

  1. Myocardial infarction and stroke among patients with inflammatory joint disease
  2. Fertility in men with inflammatory joint disease
  3. The Norwegian IgG4-related disease project (NorG4)
  4. Inflammatory joint disease in Zanzibar
  5. Polymyalgia rheumatica and giant cell arteritis. Phenotypes, diagnostics and outcome
  6. Epidemiology, diagnostics and treatment in Sjögren’s syndrome
  7. Nutritional measures for patients with inflammatory joint disease


Last updated 7/25/2024