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Kort søvnlengde er assosiert med en større post-COVID-risiko hos fullt mRNA-vaksinerte personer.

Forskere fra 17 land inkludert Norge har i denne studien undersøkt om personer med søvnlengde 9 timer hadde høyere post-COVID risiko enn personer med søvnlengde mellom 6 og 9 timer, til tross for to doser mRNA-vaksine. Forskerne fant ingen signifikant sammenheng mellom søvnlengde og post-COVID-symptomer hos personer med positiv COVID-19 test.  Resultatene i studien tyder imidlertid på at to mRNA-vaksinasjoner er assosiert med en lavere post-COVID risiko, men det ser ut til at beskyttelsen er dårligere hos de som sov mindre enn 6 timer per natt.

Publisert 02.03.2023
Sist oppdatert 01.11.2024

Pei Xue, Ilona Merikanto, Frances Chung, Charles M Morin, Colin Espie, Bjørn Bjorvatn, Jonathan Cedernaes, Anne-Marie Landtblom, Thomas Penzel, Luigi De Gennaro, Brigitte Holzinger, Kentaro Matsui, Harald Hrubos-Strøm, Maria Korman, Damien Leger, Sérgio Mota-Rolim, Courtney J Bolstad, Michael Nadorff, Giuseppe Plazzi, Catia Reis, Rachel Ngan Yin Chan, Yun Kwok Wing, Juliana Yordanova, Adrijana Koscec Bjelajac, Yuichi Inoue, Markku Partinen, Yves Dauvilliers, Christian Benedict​

Studien er publisert i Translational Psychiatry

Short nighttime sleep duration impairs the immune response to virus vaccination, and long nighttime sleep duration is associated with poor health status. Thus, we hypothesized that short (<6 h) and long (>9 h) nighttime sleepers have a higher post-COVID risk than normal nighttime sleepers, despite two doses of mRNA vaccine (which has previously been linked to lower odds of long-lasting COVID-19 symptoms). Post-COVID was defined as experiencing at least one core COVID-19 symptom for at least three months (e.g., shortness of breath). Multivariate logistic regression adjusting for age, sex, BMI, and other factors showed in 9717 respondents (age span 18-99) that two mRNA vaccinations lowered the risk of suffering from post-COVID by about 21% (p < 0.001). When restricting the analysis to double-vaccinated respondents (n = 5918), short and long sleepers exhibited a greater post-COVID risk than normal sleepers (adjusted OR [95%-CI], 1.56 [1.29, 1.88] and 1.87 [1.32, 2.66], respectively). Among respondents with persistent sleep duration patterns during the pandemic compared to before the pandemic, short but not long sleep duration was significantly associated with the post-COVID risk (adjusted OR [95%-CI], 1.59 [1.24, 2.03] and 1.18 [0.70, 1.97], respectively). No significant association between sleep duration and post-COVID symptoms was observed in those reporting positive SARS-CoV-2 test results (n = 538). Our findings suggest that two mRNA vaccinations against SARS-CoV-2 are associated with a lower post-COVID risk. However, this protection may be less pronounced among those sleeping less than 6 h per night. Our findings warrant replication in cohorts with individuals with confirmed SARS-CoV-2 infection.