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The MRCRM arranges seminars, conferences and other events for the scientific community. These events will serve as a platform for scientific replenishment and be a place to meet and discuss ongoing research activities.

Photo. Lecturer in auditorium.
Centre leader Einar K. Kristoffersen presenting the Ex vivo facility at the MRCRM seminar series in April 2022.
Our seminar series is a cornerstone of knowledge-sharing within our research community. It is a platform for engaging discussions and the exchange of ideas of the latest advancements in regenerative medicine. 
This semester, we are introducing a new seminar series concept called “How to” - a format that encourages speakers to share their knowledge and expertise so that others can learn from it.
Following the talks, there will be ample time for mingling and networking, accompanied by light refreshments. This setting encourages informal discussions, idea exchange, and potential collaborations—fostering a sense of community and shared purpose.​

When: Two or three Tuesdays each semester, from 14.30-15:30.
Where: At Haukeland campus (the auditorium will be announced before each seminar).


Upcoming events


Februay 18: "How to" seminar. Speaker TBA
March 14: UniStem Day 2025.
More information and registration will come. 
April 1: "How to" seminar with Dr. Novin Balafan. Title TBA
May 12-13: The 3rd International Meeting on Regenerative Medicine 2025. Grand Hotel Terminus
June 10: Summer gathering


December 10: MRCRM Christmas Symposium 2024, Birkhausalen, from 09.00-12.30

October 1: "How to get ready for GMP without loosing your mind"
"How to" seminar on pre-GMP with Anna Pasetto, University of Oslo and the ACT center, Oslo, Norway, Digital meeting, from 14.30-15.15. 
August 29: Mohn Synergy Symposium - Armauer Hansens hus, from 11.30-14.00
August 20: "How to" seminar with Simona Chera, Dept. of Clinical Science, University of Bergen: "How to harness human induced pluripotent stem cells for beta cell generation". Aud. 4 BBB, from 14.30-15.15
June 12 (14.00-15.15): Regenerative pre-summer gathering - at Eitri 
  • "Count your chickens before they hatch: A Rooster’s guide to consistent MSC and EV manufacturing for translation", seminar by Crystal Cruz at RoosterBio
  • Pizza and mingle
February 20: "How to obtain a manufacturing licence according to current GMP regulations" - MRCRM seminar with Section for Cell-based Medical Products (CMP)


October 31: MRCRM seminar with Sushma Grellscheid (POSTPONED)

October 5: TOR workshop at IKO

September 19: Christopher Kvistad "SMART-MS - Mesenchymal stem cells as regenerative treatment in multiple sclerosis"


February 28: Sadaf Ghorbani "The prospect of brain 3D models to advance neuropsychiatric research​"​ 

​January 31: Erik Johnsen - “Current challenges in psychosis treatment targeted by new opportunities in stem cell research"​ 



December 7: Mini symposium and official opening of the ExVivo Facility 

April 27: Einar K. Kristoffersen​ - "The Ex vivo facility - why, how and when?"

The MRCRM seminar committee organizes the seminars and consists of: 

Last updated 1/9/2025