Recruitment fraud

We are aware of scams targeting potential healthcare workers with fake job offers for positions in Helse Bergen HF and other Norwegian hospitals.

​​​The offers typically include a furnished apartment, free meals, family visa, and free language courses. The scammers tell the applicant that they have short time to respond, and that they, in addition to personal information, have to provide an application fee. If you receive an offer which requires you to pay an application fee this is a scam.

You should not reply to any such messages or initiate any other contact with the sender, whether digitally or physically. If you have provided money or information to the sender we recommend that your consider reporting the case to your local police.

The hospital does not process unsolicited job applications, however, you may register your CV and apply for available positions that are published via the portal.

All vacant positions at Helse Bergen HF, including summer jobs and temporary jobs, are published through our employment portal.


Last updated 8/25/2022