In August 2021, the Helse Bergen Health Trust and the University of Bergen established the Mohn Research Centre for Regenerative Medicine. Four research projects, recruited through grants from the Trond Mohn Research Foundation, comprise the initial scientific foundation of the Centre.
The Trond Mohn Research Foundation has generously supported the initiative with 30 MNOK, and the host institutions have contributed with in total 60 MNOK. The Helse Bergen Health Trust has also invested a considerable amount in the new “Ex Vivo” cell production facility, which will be operable at Haukeland University Hospital by the end of 2022.
The administrative unit of the Centre is located at the Department of Immunology and Transfusion Medicine in the Laboratory Building at Haukeland University Hospital. Still, our research is spread to dedicated laboratories and buildings around Bergen. Thus, so far this is a centre “without walls”.
The MRCRM Team
The appointed centre leader is Professor and MD Einar K. Kristoffersen, Head of the Department of Immunology and Transfusion Medicine at Haukeland University Hospital. He chairs the
MRCRM Management group, which meets monthly to discuss strategic and practical issues.
MRCRM Steering Group is chaired by the Helse Bergen deputy CEO Clara Gjesdal, and consists of representatives from the Helse Bergen Health Trust, the University of Bergen and the Trond Mohn Research Foundation.
An international
Scientific Advisory Board (SAB) has been established and consists of representatives with high competency on cell therapy and research centre development. The role of the SAB is to support and evaluate the Centre.