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Forskerlinje og masterstudenter

Flere mastergrader og forskerlinje medisinerstudenter har vært tilknyttet senter for tropiske infeksjonssykdommer sine prosjekter innenfor Giardia og ETEC forskning.

Forskerlinje - medisinstudiet

Sehee Rim

Kinetics and cahracteristics of circulating follicular helper T cells during and after Enterotoxigenic E. coli infection -  a marker of protective immune response. Fullført forskerlinje Desember 2022.​

​Torunn Hjøllo

Evaluating humoral immune response against Giardia lamblia. Fullført forskerlinje Juni 2018.

Matej Radunovic

Genetic variation in potential Giardia vaccine candidates cyst wall protein 2 and a1-giardin. Fullført forskerlinje Juni 2017



Anika Tabassum

Diversity of endemic and imported Giardia assemblages in Norway. Master thesis in global health, June 2024

Jahid Hasan Tipu

Domestic and imported Cryptosporidium species and subtypes in Norway. Master thesis in Global Health, June 2024

Kristine Tellefsen

Primer design and PCR optimization targeting genes of relevant oxidoreductases involved in oxidative stress pathways in Giardia lamblia. Master thesis in pharmacy, June 2023

Noor Rashdan

Optimization of gene Polymerase Chain Reaction for two Giardia genes nitroreductase family protein NR3 and putative transmembrane nitroreductase NR4. Master thesis in pharmacy​, June 2023

Tsegazeab Tekle Mebrahtu

Optimizing Real-time PCR to quantify and genotype Giardia DNA in clinical samples. Master thesis in pharmacy​, June 2022

Marie Løken

Exploring targeted gene sequencing of clinical Giardia stool and cyst samples.  Master thesis in pharmacy​, June 2022

​Saman Riaz

Human systemic and intestinal IgA responses against the mucinase YghJ following

experimental infection with enterotoxigenic Escherichia coliMaster thesis in global health​, June 2021

​Ole Morten Løvlie

Genetic variability of the metronidazole metabolism genes pyruvate ferredoxin oxidoreductase 1 and 2 of Giardia lamblia​. Master thesis in pharmacy​, June 2021

Kirsti Brugrand Hauge​

Genetic variation of the metronidazole metabolism genes pyruvate ferredoxin oxidoreductase 1 and 2 of Giardia lamblia. Master thesis in Pharmacy, June 2020

​Astrid Leinebø Gamlem

Genetic variation in the metronidazole metabolism genes nitroreductase 1 and 2 of Giardia lamblia. Master thesis in Pharmacy, June 2020​

Marvin Fischer​​

Expression of and human serological responses to Giardia lamblia proteins alpha-1 giardin and cyst wall protein 2. Erasmus program master in biology, June 2018

Tiril Pedersen

Purification and characterization of proteins involved in metronidazole resistance in Giardia lamblia. Master thesis in Pharmacy, June 2018​

Maren Anita Aaland

ELISA-basert deteksjon av biomarkørar i serumprøver ved Giardia-indusert kronisk utmattingssyndrom og funksjonelle gastrointestinale lidingar

- Nivå av B-cell activating factor og antistoff mot cytolethal distending toxin B og flagellin hjå personar med langvarige plager etter Giardia-utbrotet i Bergen. Masteroppgåve i farmasi, Juni 2017

Christina Skår Saghaug

Developing a flow cytometric method to characterize human T cell responses against the enteric protozoan parasite Giardia lamblia. Master thesis in Pharmacy, June 2014​​​


Maŋemus ođastuvvon 2024-07-09