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Quantitative analysis of endometrial hyperplasia

Et nærbilde av et mikroskopisk bilde
Endometrium: Hyperplastic glands with small papillary structures

​Endometrial hyperplasia is a condition defined by abnormal proliferation of glands in the lining of the uterus. Endometrial hyperplasia without atypia is unlikely to progress whereas endometrial atypical hyperplasia has a high-risk of progression to cancer. Current classification schemes have poor reproducibility, which limits their prognostic capability.
In this work package we aim to develop an automated and objective machine-learning based tool for ​prognostic assessment of endometrial hyperplasia, to reduce risk of over- and under-treatment of patients.​

Aim 1: Develop an automated t​ool for measurement of prognostic features


The figure above shows the APP workflow for risk classification of endometrial hyperplasia. A) Detection of endometrial tissue B) Labelling of endometrial structures including epithelial glands (green), lumen (yellow) and surrounding stroma (blue) C) Heatmap to identify the most dense region of glands D) Labelling of gland nuclei.​​​​

​Aim 2: Develop a model for risk classification of endometrial hyperplasia lesions

Et blått og hvitt skilt

Aim 3: Validate and test the tool and model on a large patient cohort

Aim 4: Implement the tool and model into the diagnostic workflow 


Sist oppdatert 11.01.2024