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Past events



Norsk Nyremedisinsk Forening Vårmøte 2024, Trondheim, Norway

Approaching artificial intelligence and computational pathology solutions for chronic kidney disease
Hrafn Weishaupt
20th European Congress on Digital Pathology ECDP 2024,
Vilnius, Lithuania

Building bridges in pathology: Integrating systems for better diagnostics
Sabine Leh
Clustering of glomerular image patches identifies clinically relevant lesion categories
Hrafn Weishaupt
Real-time Pathology Dashboards for Lab Worker Motivation: An Experience Report
Patrick Stünkel
The impact of temporal variation in digital pathology scanners on diagnostic artificial intelligence models
Anders Blilie
Calculation of Ki-67-index in gastroenteropancreatic neuroendocrine tumors with open-source software QuPath (Poster)
Radwan Etwebi
En gruppe mennesker som poserer for et bilde
From left: Patrick, Hrafn, Sabine, Radwan, Anders 



DigitalHelse2024, Bergen, Norway
Hendelsesdata og Prosessmodellering i Patologi: En ny mulighet til sekundær bruk av helsedata
Patrick Stünkel
07.- 08.05.2024
NorPreM konferansen 2024, Trondheim, Norway
Patologidiagnostikk i endring - en tilnærming på lokalt og nasjonalt nivå
Sabine Leh

Logo, firmanavn




25. 01 - 26. 01. 2024

Clarify Final Conference, Valencia, Spain

THE KI67 DILEMMA; Comparison of Prognostic Thresholds Quantified by Conventional and Four Digital Image Analysis Methods in Breast Cancer
Emiel A. M. Janssen 

Clarify Final Conference

En gruppe mennesker som poserer for et bilde




07.12 - 08.12. 2023

Bringing AI and Precision Medicine to Patient Care
The Sixth Annual MMIV Conference, Bergen

Patologi i vest: PiV – et senter for anvendt digitalisering i patologitjenesten
Sabine Leh

Program and speakers

Grafisk brukergrensesnitt, tekst, applikasjon





EMPAIA Symposium 2023, Berlin, Germany
Shaping a Sustainable Association

Perspective of a reference center
Emiel Janssen

Program and speakers (PDF)




02.11. - 03.11.2023

Helsetjenesteforskningskonferansen 2023, Stavanger, Norway

Modellering av patologiprosesser for en bedre arbeidsflyt
Patrick Stünkel

Grafisk brukergrensesnitt, nettsted




28.09. - 30.09.2023

ÖGPath/IAP Austria (Österreichische Gesellschaft für Klinische Pathologie und Molekularpathologie und Österreichische Division der Internationalen Akademie für Pathologie), Innsbruck, Austria

Einführung der digitalen Pathologie in der Gesundheitsregion Westnorwegen: Umsetzung und Erfahrungen​
Sabine Leh​

Program and speakers​ (PDF)​




20.09. - 22.09.2023

Bergen Meeting of Nephrology 2023, Bergen, Norway
New Methods in Renal Pathology

​​Program and speakers

Bergen Meeting



09.09. - 13.09.2023

35th European Congress of Pathology, Dublin, Ireland

Assessing the robustness of a glomerular segmentation tool: characterization and automatic detection of annotation errors 

Hrafn Weishaupt
Session: Joint Oral Free Paper Session Uropathology / Nephropathology
Date: 11.09.2023
Time: 08:30 - 12:00 
​Presentation time 11:10 - 11:20

Diagram, overflatediagram


24.08 - 26.08.2023

​Nordisk nyrepatologimøde, København, Danmark

AI i nyrepatologi
Sabine Leh​​


26.06​​ - 27.06.2023​​

Nordic Oncology Forum 2023​​                                    


​Presentation: Implementation of digital pathology and AI in the Helse Vest region in Norway​
Panel Discussion: How can we enforce the digitalisation of pathology and improve health care?

​Emiel​ Janssen​​​​​​​​
Link to​


14.06 - 17.06.2023

European Congress on Digital and Integrative Pathology 2023

Logo European Congress on Digital Pathology in June 2023 in Budapest. Graphics
PiV participated in the ECDP with two oral presentations, one poster and panel discussion:​
  • ​Hrafn Weishaupt: Deep learning-based segmentation of glomeruli: Detection of erroneous annotations through morphometric analysis
  • ​Patrick Stünkel: Pathology process modelling with Petri-nets on event logs
  • ​Nazanin Mola: Effect of stain normalization on estimation of kidney fibrosis with image analysis
  • Sabine Leh: Panel discussion: Advancing cooperation of clinicians and computer scientists​​



Forskningsdag laboratorieklinikken, Haukeland universitetssjukehus, Bergen

Vi skaper morgendagens patologitjenester
Sabine Leh​​



Workshop Digital Patologi Region Syddanmark, Middelfart, Danmark

Digital Patologi i Norge: Norges strategi for digitalisering av patologitjenester 

Sabine Leh



5th Joint Winter Meeting of the Pathological Society and the Royal Society of Medicine, London; Symposium 8: Applied Computational Pathology 

AI in renal pathology 

Sabine Leh


07. - 08.12.2022

9th Digital Pathology & AI  Congress: Europe, London, UK​

News from Norway - Digital pathology implementation on a local, regional and national level

Sabine Leh​

03. - 07.09.2​​022​

34th European Congress of Path​ology


Training a deep learning model for quantification of fibrosis in non-neoplastic kidney biopsies - a feasibility study​

Sabine Leh (together with Nazanin Mola, Hrafn Weishaupt and Erlend Hodneland)​

Session: Joint Oral Free Paper Session Uropathology / Nephropathology

Date: 05/09/2022
Time: 08:30 - 12:00
Presentation time incl. Q&A: 11:40 - 11:50 ​


26.08. - 28.08.2022​

20th A​nnual Meeting of The Japanese Society of Digital Pathology​

ESDIP Session ESDIPジョイントセッション​, 26.08.2022, 09:30 CET​

Sabine Leh: The Norwegian Example of Digital Pathology Implementation


19. - 24.06​​.2022
The International Health Data Workshop HEDA 2022​​

Grafisk brukergrensesnitt

Health Data Analysis and Applications​
Patrick Stünkel: Process Data Science for Workflow Optimization in Digital Pathology: A status report




​European Congress on Digital and Integrative Pathology 2022

Grafisk brukergrensesnitt

PiV participates in the ECDP with two oral presentations:​

  • ​Structured reporting and terminology
    Sabine Leh: Kidney Biopsy Codes: a multi-hierarchical terminology for non-neoplastic kidney biopsies
  • Machine Learning and AI - Clinical applications
    Emma Rewcastle: Prognostic evaluation of endometrial hyperplasia using an AI-based image analysis tool on whole slide images​



hAIst Conference – Health​​-related Artificial Intelligence in Stavanger



Sesjo​n 1: «AIt innen patologi», ledet av Emil Janssen

  • Prognostic evaluation of endometrial hyperplasia using an AI-based image analysis tool on whole slide images, Emma Rewcastle​
  • Patologi i Helse Vest​​​​, Sabine Leh​​
  • Oversikt over EU's Clarif​​​​y Project, Emiel Janssen
  • ​Examples of AI used in computatio​​nal pathology​, Kjersti Engan



Grafisk brukergrensesnitt, tekst

23. Vårmøte Norsk nyremedisinsk forening

Kristiansand 08. - 12. juni 2022
Frie foredrag del 2

Kvantifiser​ing av fibrose i ikke-neoplastiske nyrebiopsier med dyplæring - en mulighetsstudie​

Sabine Leh




Fagforum, Avdeling for patologi, Haukeland universitetssjukehus, Bergen

Automatic classification of kidney lesions utilizing deep learning

Hrafn Weishaupt



Pitch fast for the entire leadership team from Helse Sørlandet at Eitri Medical Incubator​

Patrick pitched PiV!

En person som står ved siden av en stor skjerm





Internundervisning Medisinsk teknisk avdeling, Haukeland universitetssjukehus, Bergen
sammen med Silje Kristiansen og Heidi Grønseth​

​Fremtidsbildet for digital patologi

Sabine Leh


En gruppe mennesker som sitter rundt et bord




CONNECT seminar: Digital Pathology and AI​​​


15:00 – 16:30 CEST​
Jonas Eina​rsson Auditorium, Ullernchausseen 64-66, 0379 Oslo, Norway

15:05 – 15:20 

Implementation of digital and computational pathology in Helse Vest.

Emiel Janssen; Head quantitative and molecular Pathology, Stavanger University Hospital; Professor in Biomedicine Stavanger University
Hrafn Weishaupt; Postdoctoral Researcher, Department of Pathology, Haukeland University Hospital


Sist oppdatert 17.06.2024