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Publikasjoner om malaria

Malaria blir forårsaket av plasmodium parasitter som overføres til mennesket via bitt fra en infisert Anopheles mygg.  Rundt halvparten av jordens befolkning bor i områder med malaria og de fleste dødsfall skjer i Afrika sør for Sahara.


Mørch K, Manoharan A, Chandy S, Singh A, Kuriakose C, Patil S, Henry A, Chacko N, Alvarez-Uria G, Nesaraj J, Blomberg B, Kurian S, Haanshuus CG, Antony GV, Langeland N, Mathai D. Clinical features and risk factors for death in acute undifferentiated fever: A prospective observational study in rural community hospitals in six states of India.​ Trans R Soc Trop Med Hyg. 2023 Feb 1;117(2):91-101. doi: 10.1093/trstmh/trac091. PMID: 36130240​​​

Onken A, Haanshuus CG, Miraji MK, Marijani M, Kibwana KO, Abeid KA, Mørch K, Reimers M, Langeland N, Müller F, Jenum PA, Blomberg B. Malaria prevalence and performance of diagnostic tests among patients hospitalized with acute undifferentiated fever in Zanzibar. Malar J. 2022 Feb 19;21(1):54. doi: 10.1186/s12936-022-04067-z. PMID: 35183188

​Otterdal K, Berg A, Michelsen AE, Yndestad A, Patel S, Gregersen I, Halvorsen B, Ueland T, Langeland N, Aukrust P. IL-18 and IL-18 ​​binding protein are related to disease severity and parasitemia during falciparum malaria​. BMC Infect Dis. 2021 Oct 18;21(1):1073. doi: 10.1186/s12879-021-06751-y. PMID: 34663245; Haanshuus CG, Mørch K. Detection of remaining Plasmodium DNA and gametocytes during follow up after curative malaria treatment among returned travellers in Norway. Malar J. 2020 Aug 19;19(1):296.​

Berg A, Patel S, Tellevik MG, Haanshuus CG, Dalen I, Otterdal K, Ueland T, Moyo SJ, Aukrust P, Langeland N.  Plasma parasitemia as assessed by quantitative PCR in relation to clinical disease severity in African adults with falciparum malaria with and without HIV co-infectionInfection. 2020 Feb 19. doi: 10.1007/s15010-020-01399-3.

​Otterdal K, Berg A, Michelsen AE, Patel S, Gregersen I, Sagen EL, Halvorsen B, Yndestad A, Ueland T, Langeland N, Aukrust P.  Plasma levels of interleukin 27 in falciparum malaria is increased independently of co-infection with HIV: potential immune-regulatory role during malaria. BMC Infect Dis. 2020 Jan 21;20(1):65. doi:10.1186/s12879-020-4783-8.

Moyo SJ, Manyahi J, Blomberg B, Tellevik MG, Masoud NS, Aboud S, Manji K, Roberts AP, Hanevik K, Mørch K, Langeland N. Bacteraemia, Malaria, and Case Fatality Among Children Hospitalized With Fever in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania. Front Microbiol. 2020 Sep 10;11:2118. doi: 10.3389/fmicb.2020.02118.​

Haanshuus CG, Mørch K, Blomberg B, Strøm GEA, Langeland N, Hanevik K, Mohn SC. Assessment of malaria real-time PCR methods and application with focus on low-level parasitaemia. PLoS One. 2019 Jul 5;14(7):e0218982

Otterdal K, Berg A, Michelsen AE, Patel S, Tellevik MG, Haanshuus CG, Fevang B, Aukrust P, Langeland N, Ueland T. Soluble markers of neutrophil, T-cell and monocyte activation are associated with disease severity and parasitemia in falciparum malaria. BMC Infect Dis. 2018 Dec 18;18(1):670.

Gondwe T, Robberstad B, Mukaka M, Lange S, Blomberg B, Phiri K. Delivery strategies for malaria chemoprevention with monthly dihydroartemisinin-piperaquine for the post-discharge management of severe anaemia in children aged less than 5 years old in Malawi: a protocol for a cluster randomized trial. BMC Pediatr. 2018 Jul 20;18(1):238

Kurth F, Develoux M, Mechain M, Malvy D, Clerinx J, Antinori S, Gjørup IE, Gascon J, Mørch K, Nicastri E, Ramharter M, Bartoloni A, Visser L, Rolling T, Zanger P, Calleri G, Salas-Coronas J, Nielsen H, Just-Nübling G, Neumayr A,​Hachfeld A, Schmid ML, Antonini P, Lingscheid T, Kern P, Kapaun A, da Cunha JS, Pongratz P, Soriano-Arandes A, Schunk M, Suttorp N, Hatz C, Zoller T. Severe malaria in Europe: an 8-year multi-centre observational study. Malar J. 2017 Jan 31;16(1):57. doi: 10.1186/s12936-016-1673-z.  PMID: 28143519  *****  Publication video ***** ​

Haanshuus CG, Chandy S, Manoharan A, Vivek R, Mathai D, Xena D, Singh A, Langeland N, Blomberg B, Vasanthan G, Sitaram U, Appasamy J, Nesaraj J, Henry A, Patil S, Alvarez-Uria G, Armstrong L, Mørch K. A High Malaria Prevalence Identified by PCR among Patients with Acute Undifferentiated Fever in India. PLoS One. 2016 Jul 7;11(7):e0158816. PMID: 27389396

Heggheim Å, Blomberg B, Mørch K. Preparedness for severe malaria. Tidsskr Nor Laegeforen. 2015 Mar 24;135(6):533-5. doi:10.4045/tidsskr.14.0350.

Berg A, Patel S, Aukrust P, David C, Gonca M, Berg ES, Dalen I, Langeland N. Increased severity and mortality in adults co-infected with malaria and HIV in Maputo, Mozambique: a prospective cross-sectional study. PLoS One. 2014 Feb 5;9(2):e88257. PMID: 24505451

Berg A, Patel S, Gonca M, David C, Otterdal K, Ueland T, Dalen I, Kvaløy JT, Mollnes TE, Aukrust P, Langeland N. Cytokine network in adults with falciparum Malaria and HIV-1: increased IL-8 and IP-10 levels are associated with disease severity. PLoS One. 2014 Dec 11;9(12):e114480. PMID: 25503583

Strøm GE, Tellevik MG, Hanevik K, Langeland N, Blomberg B. Comparison of four methods for extracting DNA from dried blood on filter paper for PCR targeting the mitochondrial Plasmodium genome. Trans R Soc Trop Med Hyg. 2014 Aug;108(8):488-94. doi: 10.1093/trstmh/tru084.

Spjeldnæs AO, Kitua AY, Blomberg B. Education and knowledge helps combating malaria, but not degedege: a cross-sectional study in Rufiji, Tanzania. Malar J. 2014 May 28;13:200. doi: 10.1186/1475-2875-13-200.

Strøm GE, Moyo S, Fataki M, Langeland N, Blomberg B. PCR targeting Plasmodium mitochondrial genome of DNA extracted from dried blood on filter paper compared to whole blood. Malar J. 2014 Apr 7;13:137. doi: 10.1186/1475-2875-13-137.

Strøm GEA, Tellevik MG, Fatakim M, Langeland N and Blomberg B.
No asymptomatic malaria parasitaemia found among 108 young children at one health facility in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania Malaria Journal 2013, 12:417

Strøm GEA, Haanshuus CG, Fataki M, Langeland N, Blomberg B. Challenges in diagnosing paediatric malaria in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania. Malaria Journal 2013, 12:228

Haanshuus CG, Mohn SC, Mørch K, Langeland N, Blomberg B,
Hanevik K. A novel, single-amplification PCR targeting mitochondrial genome highly sensitive and specific in diagnosing malaria among returned travellers in Bergen, Norway. Malaria Journal 2013, 12:26 (22 January 2013)

Mørch K, Myrvang B. Treatment of malaria in Norway. Tidsskr Nor Laegeforen 2012 Mar;132(6):664-7.

Calleri G, Behrens RH, Schmid ML, Gobbi F, Grobusch MP, Castelli F, Gascon J, Bisoffi Z, Jelinek T, Caramello P.  Malaria chemoprophylaxis recommendations for immigrants to Europe, visiting relatives and friends-a Delphi method study. Malar J 2011;10():137. Epub 2011 mai 20

Zoller T, Junghanss T, Kapaun A, Gjorup I, Richter J, Hugo-Persson M, Mørch K, Foroutan B, Suttorp N, Yürek S, Flick H. Intravenous artesunate for severe malaria in travelers, Europe. Emerg Infect Dis 2011 May;17(5):771-7.

Mørch K, Strand Ø, Dunlo OO, Berg A, Langeland N, Leiva RAM, Longva JÅ, Sjursen H, Skrede S, Sundal J, Jensenius M. Severe malaria and artesunate treatment, Norway.  Emerging Infectious Diseases 2008 Nov;11(14):1816-1818

​Berg A, Patel S, Langeland N, Blomberg B. Falciparum malaria and HIV-1 in hospitalized adults in Maputo, Mozambique: does HIV-infection obscure the malaria diagnosis?  Malar J. 2008 Dec 15;7(1):252.  

Morch K, Feruglio SL, Ormaasen V, Bruun JN. [Severe falciparum malaria treated with exchange transfusion]. Tidsskr Nor Laegeforen. 2002 Apr 20;122(10):999-1001

Strand EA, Strand OA, Hellum KB, Smith-Erichsen N, Myrvang B. [A young, stuporous and afebrile man with icterus and nosebleed]. Tidsskr Nor Laegeforen. 2002 Feb 28;122(6):619-23.


Sist oppdatert 23.01.2025