a study from the PROCARD research group
In the project eCardiacRehab, a new digital cardiac rehabilitation will be developed and tested for patients who have undergone percutaneous coronary intervention. eCardiacRehab is a digital program that patients with coronary artery disease follow throughout their rehabilitation, at home in their own living room. This is a multimodal and interdisciplinary innovation and research project, with different work packages and many stakeholders involved.

Project leader: Prof Tone M. Norekvål
Project period: 2023 – 2027
Budget: NOK 24 mill
Financing: The Research Council of Norway, Helse Vest, InnoMed
Follow us: X/Twitter: @ProcardR / FB: PROCARD Forskningsgruppe
«The program has several features in common with place based cardiac rehabilitation, only that the patient can do it at any time and at home in their own living room.»
Project Leader Prof. Tone M. Norekvål.